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Where will your running shoes take you this weekend?

It was a short work week for most of you, thanks to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I hope your loved ones blessed you with Valentine gifts of chocolate (antioxidants!) and flowers, and that you showed yourself some love, and had an energizing and inspiring long run. With another weekend upon us, and potentially a step up in mileage, hopefully the forecast is good for pushing yourself just a little bit farther.

A Love/Hate Relationship

Running (and training for a race) can be great and awful all at the same time. You runners understand this. We might not LOVE training in the elements, or planning a run when we’d rather plan a coffee date. I don’t LOVE that first mile, where I have to convince my legs and lungs that yes, we really are doing this. What I do love, is that feeling of near-invincibility that comes after finishing a run. Runners know that push behind climbing a hill for the view (or downhill!) on the other side. Runners love what comes from running. Sure, there is the health aspect, and the positive boost in mood, but let’s be honest—I love to eat, and will justify that extra spoonful of mac and cheese if I’ve put some mileage in that day. Whatever you love or hate about running, one thing most runners have in common, is they love it when it’s over.

A Partner Activity

I’ve written about it previously, but there is nothing that motivates me to get out of bed, get my running shoes on, and hit the road, like someone waiting for you to do it. The times of my life when I run most consistently is when I ran with a group of women. We would meet in the early morning hours, before kids were awake, and before husbands left for work, and take it from there. That became my time to get the run in, but also relate to other women who had the same loves, complaints, and advice to share.

Registration fees go up on March 1, so this is a great time to remind your running buddies to join you. Race day is always more fun with someone sharing in the giddy atmosphere of the start line, and the relief and smiles after the finish line. Plus, what better excuse is there to carbo-load with a friend the night before? By the way, we serve an excellent pasta dinner on Friday night. Check out our website for more.

Run With Your Loves

There is still time to get kids involved in the GSV Kids Half Marathon. Maybe it becomes something new you can do together. I have four kids, so a little one-on-one “date time” like that becomes a special time. Some of my fondest running memories are 4:30 a.m. runs with my father, before the school bus came. That’s when we’d discuss college plans, relationship strife, and career goals. It was therapy for both of us.

Happy Trails!

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