Happy New Year Garden Spot Runners!

When I got out of bed this morning my wife said to me, “you aren’t going running this morning are you?” My reply, “I’m totally thinking about it.”  My Wife: “It’s -2 degrees.”  That’s pretty cold for Lititz. That was about 6:15 this morning. For the next hour or so I was outside chainsawing and splitting wood for a New Year’s day fire. After a couple cups of coffee and some amazing eggs that Cheryl fried up a run was still on my mind so I said to her, “I’ll tell  you what: if I can’t find my running mask I’ll forgo a run today.” The hunt was on. It took me about 1/2 hour but I finally discovered it.

Experience Says

I’m coming off a knee injury and until last week I haven’t run since October 14th. Experience has taught me (I must admit I’m a slow learner!) that too much, too fast will reinvigorate an injury and take you out. My goal was 2 miles.  I’ll be training for a half from now until Garden Spot race day.

Two Things

There are two things that went into today’s run that you’ll totally get. These are a couple of those things that non-runners can’t comprehend. The first is I’ve got a half in my future and I know if I don’t get out there now, regardless of how cold it is or how much snow is on the ground, I’ll pay for it on race day. Once you get behind on your training program it’s tough to make up lost miles. That doesn’t mean you won’t be able to run on race day but it might not be pretty. Second, I just wanted to run. I wanted to feel the crunch of snow under my feet and those ice cold breaths. We know it sounds miserable but when you’re in it, there just ain’t nothing like it. A 3rd consideration was that it’s New Years Day and starting the year with a run just makes for a good day that’s gotta result in a good year!

Obviously, if I was training for 26.2 and had 12 or more on my schedule rather than 2 it might have taken a whole ‘nother level of mental strength to lace up the trainers. But, I would have done it.

This Was A Good One!

The run lived up to everything I expected. I like to run on a rail trail so it was snow covered and tramped down with the foot prints of other runners. It was freezing cold and I was layered up so heavy I broke into a pretty good sweat. I put contacts in to run because the mask fogs up my glasses. I made an attempt to wear sunglasses but had to take them off. It was frigid and tough going so my pace was horrendous but i enjoyed every step. It was me, the snow, the cold and bliss. In short, it was an awesome first run of the year.

If you’ve run with us before you know I do my best to send all registered runners an e-mail each weekend after my long training run. If this is your first time running with us I invite you to look for these e-mails each week. Sometimes life gets in the way and I’ll miss a weekend but I do my best.

Thank you for running with us! Get out there and run. May 2018 be your best year ever! See you in April,

Run On!

Scott, -rd
Garden Spot Village Marathon | Half Marathon | Kids Marathon








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