Forgive me Glut’s

Let’s start this way: “Forgive me gluts for I have sinned. It’s been 71 days since my last run!” “Holy planks Batman what was I thinking?” Here’s the story behind the infraction.

I ran today, Christmas Eve morning, for the 1st time since October 14, 2017 after a difficult 5 miles. Over the course of the preceding months I’d developed this weird pain behind my right knee that kept getting worse. It was a pain not an ache. Why go to a doc when there’s omniscient google? Google indicated a Baker’s cyst. I didn’t buy it. As I’ve recommended to you countless times the knee needed time to heal. That pretty much meant zero running. Christmas seemed long enough so that was the start running again target.

Do It Right

If I’m going to do something, I do it right. I stopped running, stopped biking, stopped my daily tone/stretching regiment. I went off the grid. But I didn’t stop eating. In fact, I redirected my efforts that direction. At 60 I really love to eat and my body loves to bulk up, fast!  I’m 12 pounds heavier than I was 2.5 months ago. Trousers are “a bit” snug. Buttoning my collar is a chore. I threw my back out last month, that hasn’t happened in years. I’ve had more colds and illnesses over the last several months. I’ve been getting headaches. How’s that for a Merry Christmas? But . . . the knee feels better.

Rail Trail Here I Come

To get started again I was thinking I’ll do a 5k. Just go for 3. Heeding the advice I give you I decided to run 1 mile with the option of adding a mile or two depending how I felt. After about ¼ mile I remembered why the vast number of people hate to run. I thought I was gonna die! I was gagging and gasping for air.  My lungs ached. My heart was racing. It was miserable. The legs were fine but the cardio and respiratory systems were in hyper drive on the edge of what felt like explosion. No 5k today! It would be a Christmas miracle if I could do a mile and not stop or walk.

I did 1.23 at 10mm and I didn’t die. We all know we have times like this. Amongst the misery there were flashes of “finally”, “oh, how I missed this,” and “I can’t wait for endorphin distances.” It will get better and better. I’ll drop the 12 and everything will be right with the world. You know it will. I know it will. It’s runner bliss and it’s all worth it. Every day’s like Christmas when you’re running.

Starting the first weekend in January my weekly e-mails will begin and I’ll be running with you. I’ll be training for a half this time. Don’t want to over do it.

Come Run with Us in April 2018

If you’ve been off the grid, backed off and are feeling it or you’re all trained up I invite you to come run with us in April. You know it’s a great party and this year is out 10th Anniversary so we’ll go above and beyond to celebrate.

May you receive all sorts of cool running gear for Christmas! Thank you for running with us in the past. If you haven’t registered for the Garden Spot Village 2018 race do it before registration fees bump up January 1st. Here’s a quick link to the registration page. Plus running with us is the first step toward a Road Apple Award. Everyone needs at least one or another one!

Merry Christmas and Run On!

Scott Miller RD
Garden Spot Village Marathon | Half Marathon | Kids Marathon

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