Finish Strong

Finish strong to finish strong. Twenty-one (21) days ’till race day from today. Full runners, some of you many have your long run this weekend and some of you may have already completed it. Half runners, depending upon your training plan you’ll peak out at 10 miles the weekend before the race. In either case, with most of the training behind us it’s easy to slack off in these final weeks. To finish strong on race day, do yourself a favor, finish strong on your training plan. Stick to it.

Finding a Way

While we’ve ordered perfect weather for race day, Tuesday we were hit by snow. The roads are still narrow and icy in places. That makes it dangerous to run on the roads because there is no where to get out of the way of traffic. The rail trails have several inches of snow on them which presents challenges with not only footing but soaking wet shoes. Some of the parks and developments have cleared or partially cleared macadam paths. I tend to drive to places where the paths have been cleared. I’ll end up doing multiple double back loops but get the miles in and I’m not at risk of be run over or twisting an ankle. It’s kinda like . . . find a way to get out there so you can finish strong.

An Inspiration

If you’re not aware of it, Garden Spot Village is a retirement community. It’s actually an amazing place and gets international attention because of all the innovative initiatives like a Marathon | Half Marathon | Kids Marathon. While most people who move to retirement communities do it in their 80s, 50 & 60somethings move to Garden Spot. There is a lot of cool stuff going on and the lifestyle is amazing. It’s build for guys like me (I’m turning 60).

A guy who recently moved in caught me in the hall way this week and started talking about these e-mails. I responded with, “if you’re reading those e-mails, you must have registered.” He responded, “I did. I’ve never done anything like it so I registered for the half marathon. I plan to walk it but I’m still going to do it.” Then he said, “This snow made it tough to get out but I went down to the fitness center and did my miles on the treadmill.”  Where there’s a will there is a way!

Planning News

Everything is coming together. There are 277 registered marathon runners and 745 half marathon runners for just over 1,000 so far. There is still time to register online and we do walk up registrations at the expo and on race day. The shirts are in production, the medals and awards are in production. The stadium bags are here. The Mylar blankets are on their way. We’ll order the bibs with your name on it the end of the week. We’re planning for a few more massage therapists this year. Free massages. Of course chocolate milk shakes after the race. You can use the heated pool, spa and showers. A concession stand will be open for your family and friends. At the expo Friday there will be local Amish craftsmen and one who makes amazing wood products along with his wife who quilts your old race shirts into a blanket, Her flyer is the featured image for this post. Bring your old shirts.

Get Those Runs In

Finish strong. Now is the time to stick to plan. Get those runs in but don’t over do it. We want to see you on race day.

Run On!


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