Saturday, January 7, 2017

Happy New Running Year!     

If you have run either our half marathon or our marathon previously you know how this e-mail thing works. First time runners – I attempt to send you an e-mail every weekend. I hope you find them helpful and inspirational. If not just send them off to your junk folder. I used the word “attempt” because I’ll miss a weekend from time to time, but I try. This year your e-mail links to a blog post. Those registering later in the season have asked for the previous e-mails. This way all runners will have access to all the posts. 

As of today (Saturday) it’s 90 days, 3 months till race day. I can’t run our race but I’m registered for a marathon the weekend before. My training plan includes short runs on Tues. & Thurs., a moderate run on Wed. and long runs on Saturday. This week was 4 – 7 – 4 and 14 today. Early mornings suit me best so I’m hitting the road at 5:00 a.m. during the week.

This morning at 8:00 a.m. it was 20 degrees in Lititz and snow was coming down hard. It was white out there. I DNS’d (Did Not Start) my last 2 marathons. I got off  training plan and injured myself trying to make up the distance. I’m determined to stay on plan so I’m religiously getting up at 4:30 a.m. regardless of the weather. I’m also making sure not to skimp on the long runs or to overdo ’em because I feel like I’ve got a few more miles in my legs.

This is new for me, I’ve never been a disciplined trainer. I ran my first 26.2 when I turned 50. I turn 60 this year and a 26.2 is pretty important to me. I’m not taking any chances. I thought I was gonna die during the last half I ran. The final three miles were a killer. It was because I didn’t train well. I did 14 today and it was far easier than that last half. Reason – sticking to the training plan.

You have 90 days. You’ll do yourself a favor by sticking to your training plan whether you’re training for 13.1 or 26.2. Yeah, it gets tough. Life gets in the way. Next weekend is a great example. My daughter gets married and I’ve got 15 on the docket. I haven’t figured out how I’m gonna squeeze 15 into the mix but I’ll work it in one way or another. The weather often doesn’t cooperate. At 4:30 in the morning nice warm, comfy blankets are very inviting.  Especially if plan calls for 5 miles and it’s cold and raining. Sticking to plan can be a challenge but it’s worth it on race day.

Get out there. Get those runs in. Stay on plan. Enjoy yourself – that’s why we run. See you in April.

Run On!
Scott Miller – RD
Garden Spot Village Marathon | Half Marathon

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