A Fabulous Day for a Run!

A Fabulous Day for a Run!

A Grand Celebration We hope you enjoyed the 10th & final grand celebration of our 26.2 mile Marathon. Bringing it to a close was a painful decision. We appreciate your support over the last 10 years and your understanding. Five years ago we had 357 marathon...
Welcome Runners!

Welcome Runners!

Welcome Runners! Welcome to the 2018 Garden Spot Village Marathon | Half Marathon | Kids Marathon! You know you’re a runner when you go to bed thinking, “I’ve got to get some sleep so I’m ready to run tomorrow and you wake up in a panic at 3:00...
Only Runners Know

Only Runners Know

Race Day Tidbits Race Day advice started with last week’s e-mail and will continue until race day. You are one of just over 1.000 runners! Simply the sound of that is exciting! We all know the elevated levels of positive energy, anticipation, even jitters that...
Race Day Information

Race Day Information

A Breed Apart Runners are a breed apart. I know you’re getting excited. Today is Saturday, March 31, 2018 and according to the counter on the home page of the Garden Spot Village Marathon website it’s 14 days until race day. In fact, I’m typing away...
The 20 Miler & Half Long Run

The 20 Miler & Half Long Run

The 20 Miler The 20 Miler. Some runners love it. Some runners dread it. I’m a back and forth kinda guy. Some years I look forward to it and others not so much. It usually depends upon how well the training season went. Looking back I really enjoyed my last 20...
Race Day Coming Quick

Race Day Coming Quick

Race Day – 27 Days and Counting Down Race day is coming quick. It’s less than 3 weeks away. Wow! How does that happen? The marathon planning team is in full prep swing. We’re getting ready to make this a fabulous run for you. That single day when all...
Running Technique

Running Technique

Running Technique How’s your running technique?  When I first started running I didn’t think too much about technique. I just got out an old sweatshirt, sweatpants and put on a pair of Keds.  Personally, I think that is the way to start. Just get out...
Injury Season

Injury Season

It’s Injury Season An injury can take you out. Ask any experienced runner. There’s nothing more frustrating than reaching the end of the tunnel with your race in sight and – boom – an injury: you twist an ankle, blow out a knee or pull a...
What About Gels

What About Gels

What About Gels I avoided gels for a long time. I think most people are smarter than me. I avoided gels because I like energy drinks. Gatorade is my favorite. If you’ve ever combined energy drinks and gels you know it’s a mistake. You’re body...
You Know You’re A Runner if

You Know You’re A Runner if

You Know You’re a Runner if . . . You know you’re a runner (YKYAR) if you get up early on your day off when you could totally sleep in and go for a run instead. I worked last Saturday and Sunday so Monday and Tuesday were my “weekend”. Everyone...

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